Thursday, November 8, 2012

What I Needed to Hear

I generally consider myself a gospel-centered person. All-in-all, I feel like I have a pretty decent understanding of grace.
...maybe that in and of itself is the problem.

Either way, when's sat down to the (yesterday's and today's) #shereadstruth study this afternoon, grace smacked me in the face!

See, I have been really, really struggling to get my quiet time in over the past few weeks. I maybe sit down with my journal once or twice a week to really dig in. I know that's not enough! But I have been allowing this slacking to cause me to feel guilty, to deny that there is any problem in my heart, and to actually keep me from drawing close to the Lord.

How messed up is that?

Well, I sat down and read the words pictured above, and the guilt washed away.

I needed this reminder.
God loves me at my worst.
He died for me when I hated Him.
He offered up His Son to take my punishment.

Then He took the righteousness of His perfect, sinless Son Jesus and gave it to ME!
Ladies, do we get this? If you have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and asked Him to save and forgive you, then...

When God looks at you He sees all the glory and perfection of Jesus Christ!

Ladies, I don't know about you, but I have such a hard time fathoming this sometimes. But it is glorious isn't it? There is nothing that we can do that will change our position before God. Jesus secured that for us on the cross.


We serve a good God.

I was reminded today, that my understanding of grace is far from perfect. I was reminded that I need to allow myself to daily be washed in this truth. I need to pour this truth into my heart moment by moment and let it affect every area of my life.

How do you remind yourself of grace? Do you struggle to believe that God views you as He does? How can I pray for you in this?

Be blessed,


  1. I needed to hear that today! My journaling on my iPad is not working for me, so I need to get a new journal and start writing again!

  2. It really is unbelievable to me that when the Lord looks at me he sees perfection. Every day I struggle with feeling worthy of His amazing love. I'm so far from perfect and I make so many mistakes so that doesn't help. I look forward to service twice every Sunday in order to bring me closer to Him and help me learn more about Him. I need to start studying the Bible at home but sometimes it seems so overwhelming because I don't know where to start.
