

Would you be interested in sponsoring Blessed to be a Blessing?

I have 5 paid ad spots for sale - $5 for a 150x250 ad on my sidebar for the first 5 (approved) bloggers to sign up below.
You will have the opportunity to participate in a giveaway at the end of the month on my blog, and you will receive the opportunity to guest post on my blog for additional advertisement time.  =)
Ads are located at the top of my sidebar and will be rotating!

5 Button Swaps - Goes to the first 5 (approved) bloggers to sign up below
(150x150 ads requested)
You will all be featured in a single
"Swapper Feature" in the middle to end of the month.
You ads will fall below the large ads and will be rotated.
If you want to swap, use the code SWAP at checkout and your spot will be FREE!

So start creating your SUPER COOL buttons and then sign up below! If you wanting to swap, make sure you email me too, so that I can get your info!

I am so excited to show you off on my blog!

Be blessed!


  1. Hey Alesha! I would love to swap with you! Give me a shout and we can work it out!

  2. Hi Alesha! I'd love to swap with you, but I can't find any contact details for you! Can you send me an email I'm at - it would be lovely to exchange emails with you :D

  3. Hello I would love to swap with you ....
