
Monday, October 15, 2012

Let's Talk...Yes, I Mean YOU!

Hello All!

I have news...bloggy news. =) As of today, I am starting to actually use my blog Facebook Page! I know, that's big news, right? Haha! Well, it's true that I set up the page and put up a link to it >>>>>
and then never did a thing. But that is all going to change.

As I watch how other bloggers try to interact with their readers, I have been dissatisfied with the results.  I needed something that would work for me and my readers. Here is my plan:

I will post questions at the end of blog post to try and engage you and get to know you more. Yay!

I will also post weekly discussion questions on Facebook and Twitter for you to interact with. These will probably revolve around the topic of one particular blog post I wrote recently. If you don't want to answer and discuss for everyone to see, you can send me a Facebook message so that we can chat about an issue privately.

But just to be sure that we are on the same page...

These discussion questions aren't just for me and you to get to know each other. They are also for you to get to know other readers and, who knows, maybe make a new friend!

The questions will be on a whole bunch of topics. Crafting, cooking, marriage, family, the bible...who know what else! Hopefully I'll be able to get more than one question out a week so that there will be plenty for everyone to discuss!

The questions posted on Facebook/Twitter will not be posted anywhere else. (Say what???) They will not be on my blog or Instagram (btw...I love Instagram and if you have it you should totally follow me and have me follow you - use @alesha_blessed for Instagram and Twitter).

Finally, this is not a place for you to criticise me. I am totally open to constructive criticism and to helpful feedback. If you even feel I am totally off base in some area, I'd be happy to hear it if you put it out there in a helpful way. But can you do it privately? My email is on my about me page or you could message me on Facebook. Thanks bunches! =)

I hope you are all as excited about this as I am! But let's get going...we have a friendship to get started!

Be blessed.


  1. I think this is a fantastic idea!!!! What a great way to get to know each other and other bloggers. Can't wait!

  2. What a cool idea! Looking forward to seeing what you end up posting! :)
