
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Peek Inside My Journal: The Gardener

How many of you like gardening?
I like the thought of gardening, but I usually don't like the every day work of watering...or weeding.
My mom and sister love to garden.  And they do a beautiful job at it!

I was reading Isaiah awhile ago, and I noticed that (in chapter 62) God is compared to a Gardner.

How beautiful is that?
I get this picture in my mind of God gently bending down and tending us...His eyes smile down with joy on each new leaf or bud.  His tender hands gently guide us to toward His light.  His nail scarred hands firmly and patiently pluck the weeds out of our lives that so stubbornly insist on growing.  He allows the rain, but just enough to keep us growing, not so much that we drown.  Everything He does in His garden is for the good of the plants...

Does your mind work like this?  Turning thoughts into pictures and pictures into words or poetry?

Have you ever seen a truly AMAZING garden?  Does it not just leave you in awe (with a wee bit of jealousy)?
I love looking at and admiring beautiful gardens.
When I do, one of the first thoughts that runs through my head is "Who is the gardener?  He/she did an amazing job."

Beautiful and fruitful gardens bring glory to the gardener!

If we are God's "planting", then what do our lives tell about our Gardener?

Does my life point to a loving Master Gardner?

It is my heart's desire that when people watch my life, they would see the beauty of it and tribute all the praise to God.

This truly is the good and perfect work that God has called us bring Him glory!

I am praying that my life will bring glory to Jesus.

Link up your Peek Inside My Journal posts below! I am looking forward to reading them!

Be blessed!


  1. beautiful verse and beautiful insight! Thank you for the inspiration!

  2. I've been reading Isaiah 61 a lot this week, too! My fav garden verse from Isaiah is 58:11. Hope you guys are having an awesome vacation!
