
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What I Made Wednesday!

I am feeling much better than I did yesterday, although I still took a nap after my morning run just to keep myself on the path to full health.

I had a few hours this afternoon so I decided that instead of spending a few hours on pinterest and my google reader looking at all these amazingly creative crafts other people are doing, I should sit down and do one myself!  So I pulled out a half finished project and within 45 minutes it was done!

I made a belt!  I got the pleather (pho leather) at Joannes a few months ago on clearance. I bought a quarter yard and it cost me two dollars!  I also bought some 2 inch black elastic that was on sale...I don't remember how much it cost, but I know it was not more than a few dollars.  The black elastic is on the back of the belt...sorry that I forgot to get pictures of the back!  I used the buckle off an old shoe that I never wore.
(Note: practice sewing on pleather before you cut all your fabric to size and start in on the project)

It definitely does not look profesional, but its a start and I think it looks cute! I have enough pleather and elastic for at least two more.  I'll try to get some full outfit pictures up soon!

Linking Up:


The 36th AVENUE

pleated poppy

Let Birds Fly

Be blessed!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sick Today

I am sick...or overtired...I'm not really sure. I just have a low grade fever and had a massive headache last night. Ironically, i have no desire to sit behind my computer and blog. =/ On the bright side, I have been catching up on some overdue reading! =)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Am I consistent?

I have been wanting to write this post for awhile.
I have been thinking about this for awhile.
I have been trying really hard for and on.
I have been struggling mentally for awhile.


Why is it so illusive?  Just beyond my grasp?  Always a bit further out of reach?

I want to be consistent.  Lately I have had to ask myself....what does that mean?

I am not the type of person who gets up EVERY DAY at the SAME TIME....who goes to bed at the same time...who has a system for everything they do (and it never changes).  I am not the person who has a routine...who has the same work schedule 5 days a week....who sleeps a normal number of hours every night...who has "date night" every Friday with her husband...who exercises every morning like clockwork.
I want this to be me...but it is not...


Because that is not who I am...that is not my life.

My life is life has a different schedule life is organized around life is a collection of odd tutoring jobs and life will stop or rearrange for people almost life is devoted to serving life is life is life is NOT consistent/scheduled/or routine.

Some of you may be confused as to why I think this is a problem. I am a first born, A-type personality that likes things neat, symmetrical, organized and...consistent!

As I've thought about this, I've moved from FRUSTRATED to DETERMINED to DISCOURAGED to CONFUSED to NOW....and where am I now?

I realize that God's word encourages consistency...but not consistency in routines or schedules.  It encourages a consistent life.

I want to be a woman who is consistent:
CONSISTENT in loving and following my Savior with my whole heart.
CONSISTENT in serving and cherishing my husband.
CONSISTENT in praying for those I love.
CONSISTENT in my words and actions.
CONSISTENT in loving others even when it is inconvenient
CONSISTENT in arranging my life around others
CONSISTENT in trusting God and living in HIS matter how crazy or inconsistent my schedule is.

A different kind of consistency

As I think about this, I once again realize that in my own strength I will be an utter failure...or at best an uptight legalist.  I need, we need, God's strength to be consistent in our walks with Him and our relationships with others.

To be consistent like Jesus, we need the strength of Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

This is my heart and prayer right now.  I hope these thoughts that have been running around in my crazy mind can bless you somehow.  
This is how the afghan I made looks on my in laws' couch!  I made it as a gift for my mother in law.
Me sitting on the floor of my in laws' back room while writing this post...Travis was doing our taxes! 
Earlier this week I made homemade corn dogs! They were great!  Tutorial to com!

Btw...these instagram pictures are just another example of how I feel totally inconsistent. Last week I had like 12 pictures for my post...this week...three....
Oh well, through the grace of God I am learning that this type of consistency is not the type of consistent I need to be.  So let's be consistent together...a consistency that will last in light of HEAVEN!  Through the strength and grace of Jesus, this is my prayer.
Be blessed.

life rearranged

Monday, February 20, 2012

Another Blog Hop...Oh My!

Yay!  Another blog hop...and this time for GFC!  =)  I found this blog hop at The 36th AVENUE.  Head over and check out her cool blog!  And you can find all the "rules" etc. for the blog hop at the link above.  =)  Enjoy! (and be blessed)

Instagram! I took a lot of Instagram photos this week! I hope you son't kind looking through all of these. But if you do, I guess you can just move on to another blog! Lol! =)

1. I have coffee on Monday mornings with a girl from my small group.  Aren't the Starbucks cups adorable? (Btw...I realized that I put this in last week's instagram post....but it is so cute I decided to put it in again!)
2. Doing the homework for my Tuesday night bible study!  I missed it last week because of Valentine's Day, but that's okay...I enjoyed the time with my hubby.

3. Valentine's day was nice, but busy.  Look at this awesome Valentine I got from my 7-year-old brother.  He made it all of his own accord and with no help from my mom!
4. The roses were a surprise from my amazing hubby!  My first dozen red roses ever!  =D  Beautiful!
5. Friday afternoon, I used the leftover chicken from the homemade fajitas I made (read about it here) to make nachos.  So yummy!
6.  Friday night my hubby and I went on a date to Anthony's.  (a local seafood restaurant)  It was a great can also read about that one here.

7.  On Wednesday night we went to LimeBerry Fro-Yo (Frozen Yogurt) after Wednesday night church with these two friends.  (My hubby is on the left).
8.  They had RED VELVET CAKE flavor! YUM, YUM, YUM!  And of coarse they had chocolate.
9. On Friday I finished my first ever afghan!  (First successfully completed afghan that is!)  Tutorial coming!

10.  On Sunday, we went with my mom to visit my sister at her college.  It was a short but fun visit.  Once again we headed to Fro-yo!  Menchies is SO cute!  My mom and brother drew on the big chalkboard they had.
11. L-R = Me - Sister Alison - Sister Anna - Friend Ali
12.  Me and Alison! <3


Be blessed!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Blog Hop earlier this week I caved and joined Linky I'm joining the Blog Hop!  Yay!  If you want all the "rules and regulations" (lol! I just had to say that), then check out
Blissful and Domestic's awesome explanation!
Oh and I have a button now! Just feel free to copy and paste it for now. I'll try to get the HTML up soon.

Dates and Satisfaction

My husband and I went on a date tonight. It was wonderful!

It feels like half the time we try to go on dates, they end up costing or being more work than their worth.  But tonight we had a gift card for Anthony's - A local seafood restaurant.  The food was amazing!  (I had to repeatedly resist the urge to whip out my cell phone for a few pictures!  This was a date, not a time to document cute food to show off on my blog!)
I was bored by the time we took the last picture...but I thought I'd include it just for fun!
I really wanted some quality time with my hubby, so I focused in on asking questions and really hearing him.  I also tried to talk about stuff other than schedules, work, etc.  Those topics came up some, but it was okay.  My goal was to enjoy my husband...and I thoroughly did!  (And still am in case you are wondering...we are sitting side-by-side on the couch, each working on our mac laptop! <3)

However, since we went to dinner early (to avoid the crowds), we still had the whole evening ahead of us.  Both of us still needed to spend some time in God's word.  So we plopped down on the couch (after my husband graciously snapping a few dozen photos of me) and started to read.

I was in Isaiah 55.  Listen to this...
"Ho! Everyone who thirsts, Come to the waters; And you who have no money, Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk Without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance." (Isaiah 55:1- 2 NKJV)

Those were the first two verses I read and they stopped me dead in my tracks.  So often I get so caught up in life that work, food, drink, and even time with my husband become the most important things to me...things that I have to get done. God is calling to the Children of Israel and trying to help them realize that they are spending their time and money on things that will NEVER satisfy them. Even food! I eat and I am hungry again in four hours. It could be the best meal of my life and it makes no difference. The ONLY thing that can TRULY satisfy me is God.

I don't believe that. I know I don't. Why? WHY? I know from personal experience that God is what truly satisfies me, and yet I still don't let myself be filled by Him. I run to other things.

"Lord help me to believe this so that it affects my life. I want to be satisfied in You."

So yes, this post is titled "Dates and Satisfaction".  Am I finding my satisfaction in dates and fancy dinners with my husband or in God who gave me those good things to enjoy?  Don't get me wrong.  Time with my husband is a very satisfying thing...but it too is temporary.  Praise God for His eternal love, salvation and peace.  I want to be able to confidently say, "He is my all, my satisfaction!"

May your evening be blessed and filled with satisfaction in God!


This post was supposed to be posted yesterday...but then I realized the pictures weren't downloaded onto the computer you get it today.  Here is what I did yesterday!

I took the hood off of an old sweatshirt (I never wore it cause the hood pulled it back so it kinda choked me.)  This slouchy look is kinda in right now and I wanted something comfy to wear around the house.

I am debating whether or not to sew the "v" at the colar closed...what do you think? (P.S.  Sorry about the AWEFUL coloring on the photos.  They were taken in a hurry and I didn't have want to spend much time to spend on editing...)

Linking Up

And I made an AWESOME fajita recipe from The 36th AVENUE!  It was so good!
We added refried beans, cheese, and salsa...I wished we had spinach, but we were out.  =(
My picture is kinda boring, but here is the awesome graphic from The 36th AVENUE.  Head over and check it out!

You should try it...they are every bit as amazing as they look!  I even shared it with my mom today.  She is super excited to try it.

Be blessed!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

It sounds like many of you had a nice Valentine's Day. I did a well, I woke up to 3 red roses on my nightstand and another dozen in the kitchen! (My 1st dozen red roses ever!) My sneaky husband waited until I was asleep Monday night to head to the store and by me roses. I woke up when he got back in bed with me but didn't suspect a thing and didn't even see the roses until he pointed the out the next morning! =) Aren't they beautiful?

For dinner I made Monterey Chicken and salad with leftover French bread from the night before. I got the chicken recipe from Pinterest, but I forgot to take a picture! =,( Sad day! Oh well, we both thoroughly enjoyed it!

I spent most of the day working on this for my hubby:

When he got home that was waiting for him. Unfortunately:
1. I didn't finish all 52 in time, so some are still waiting to be hidden and I have 10 left to make (I'll be doing that this afternoon).
2. And it had been a stressful day at work for him so he didn't get excited about it until later (after the stress had worn off and we had eaten some delicious food).
But that's okay, because he still hasn't finished finding all the ones I have hidden so far.

I think he is enjoying finding them all. I also got him a subscription to this Internet service that he has been wanting for awhile in our pursuit of going paperless. Yes, we are nerdy. Anywho, we had a calm evening with much needed opportunities to talk through life. Hope your Valentine's was blessed.

Oh, btw...check out this ADORABLE Valentine we got from my 7-year-old brother, Adam. He made his Valentine's all by himself and with no prompting from my mom! =)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Linky Follwers

Okay...I'm giving this a try due to all your advice.  Let's see.


The last few several days have been a bit crazy for me. So I didn't take any outfit picture or post at all last week! Thursday afternoon Travis and I are started to coach middle schoolers in basketball for a homeschool league. I was nervous and excited...I shouldn't have been. It was a blast!  There were 8 boys and 1 girl.  It was a lot of fun to work with them and I'm excited for this Thursday!

Also Thursday night, Friday night, and all day Saturday, my mom and I are were coordinating the church's annual youth group fundraiser - a Valentines Desert Theater!  I acted in these every year when I was in high school. It is fun and kinda weird to be on the other end of it now - Coordinating servers/ushers and childcare workers and making sure that the coffee pots got plugged into different outlets all over the church so that they wouldn't blow any fuses and trying to have enough deserts prepped, but not so many that we have extras...
So that was my crazy weekend. And to top it of, our lifeguard inservice training was Sunday night and the going away party for my former boss was Saturday night!  Craziness!!!
Anywho, I'm back and hopefully with a little more time than last week.

Here are a few instagram highlights of my week...
Wishing for sunshine...

A cool looking decal on my favorite purse.

Friday morning Travis and I stayed in bed till 11 and then I made this delicious breakfast...waffles and bacon.  Yum!

I love the Starbucks Valentines day cups!!!

Linking up here...

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How to Store Meat

I saw this on Pinterest the other day and has to try it! So when I bought a bunch of sausage and hamburger meat this week, so I had the perfect opportunity!
Top photo is Pinterest, bottom photo is mine!

It was so easy! And I can buy large quantities which saves money. =D Double win!

While I am at it, I thought I'd share another money saving/meat storing trick with you. A week ago (or so), I bought a whole cooked ham, bone on. It was a fraction of the cost of the small boneless hams I normally buy. When I got home I spent about and hour slicing it into lunch meat cunning it for salads, and leaving large oddly shaped chunks (use is to be determined). I got three quart baggies of lunch meat, a quart baggie of cubed pieces, and still had the whole bone section with quite a lot of meat left on it!
I froze all the meat and can pull it out to eat in small chunks!

Linking Up Here!
The Pinterest Challenge

Well, hope some of you found this helpful!  Have a blessed day!